
[ Password - Edit contact - Teams - Schedule Fields - Mailing Lists - Scheduling]

What can you do?

Schedulers can: Leage Representatives can: Coaches / Team Managers can:

Obtain a password

In order to make any of the changes listed above you need to get a password. The password is linked to the email address that the system knows. The server can email you your current password, and once you have your password you can change it to anything you like. In order to have the password emailed to you enter your email address and then click on '[send password reminder to given email address]':

[an error occurred while processing this directive] The password has been sent

Your Email address:
If you do not receive an email with your password within a few hours at most please check the spam or bulk email folder on your system, it might be lurking in there. If you cannot find it at all please contact the administrator of the page at for help.

How to edit League Contacts

On the left menu click on Leagues and then on the small '[edit]' link at the top right of the page, just under the main title. If you have not yet logged in please enter your email address and the password you got by email (see above).

Once you successfully logged in you will see all the entries you are allowed to edit, plus, at the very bottom, an empty form you can use to add league contacts for your league. Note that the password field is empty for all entries, and the password will only be changed if you enter a new one. If you leave that field empty the password will not be changed.

You can delete an entry completely by marking the checkbox at the right side of the table for the person you need to remove.

Once you have made the necessary changes do not forget to click on the '[Save changes]' button to make the changes permanent.

How to edit/add teams

Click on one of the two teams pages (Teams (age) or Teams (league)) and then click on the '[edit]' on the top right. If you have not yet logged in enter your password, and then you should see a list of all your teams if you have already entered some. At the top you can add more teams by entering at least a coaches name and email address (if you don't yet know they coaches email address you can enter your own and later edit it).

Once you have entered a team you can edit most parameters for the team except the age group and gender.

If you have a team that has some special scheduling requirements (for example a coach that has two teams) you can add that information to the comments field. Field scheduler will see it when they assign times and fields.

Scheduling Fields

In order to schedule fields you first need to make sure that the fields for your league are listed. If not, you can add fields (or change the existing ones) by clicking on the [Edit] link at the top left of the page (if you don't now your password yet see above on how to obtain one). You will get a list of all the fields for your league, and the option of adding another field. You can add as many fields you need.

Makeup Games: those games are scheduled in brackets with an odd number of teams. As every weekend one team has a bye those games allow all teams to have the same number of games. if you have a team that has a home game scheduled on "Makeup Day" you can schedule that game on any day during the season, as long as both teams agree to the date/time. Options include a Sunday game, or double headers on a Saturday or even a weekday game. If the two teams cannot agree on a date then the game will not be played.

Once the fields are known to the webpage you can schedule home games for your team using the Field Scheduling page. Click on the '[Edit]' link at the top right of the page, after entering your password you will see a list of all the home games for your league. Note that while you can schedule games on a different day DO NOT DO SO UNLESS YOU CONTACT BOTH TEAMS FIRST! Rec teams are not used to regularly check the website and will not expect their games to be moved to a different day (although any time you set the time or change the date they will get an email).

If an age group has an odd number of teams you will find that some teams have a game on the 11th game day, even though no date is associated with it. Those are the make-up games for the teams that had a bye. You can schedule those games on any day you want, although it would probably be best to ask both teams if a certain day would work for them (especially if they end up with a game on Sunday, or a double header).

Mailing lists

The system automatically creates mailing lists for use by league contacts and schedulers:
  • : for all league representatives for all age groups
  • : for all team representatives for all age groups
  • : for all league representatives for U8 age groups and all teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U8 age groups and all boys teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U8 age groups and all girl teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U10 age groups and all teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U10 age groups and all boys teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U10 age groups and all girl teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U12 age groups and all teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U12 age groups and all boys teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U12 age groups and all girl teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U14 age groups and all teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U14 age groups and all boys teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U14 age groups and all girl teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U16 age groups and all teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U16 age groups and all boys teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U16 age groups and all girl teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U19 age groups and all teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U19 age groups and all boys teams playing in that age group.
  • : for all league representatives for U19 age groups and all girl teams playing in that age group.

Scheduling Games

If you are the scheduler for an age group, you can schedule games in three steps:
  1. Set brackets: if you have too many teams you need to split them into brackets (you should probably have between 6 and 12 teams in a bracket, if you have more you want to split the group.
    Open the Team age page in the '[edit]' mode. This page has three parts, the first one to add new teams for your leage, the second one allows you to manage the teams for your league, and the last one is there to put teams into brackets. You have four brackets you can use, called "(none)", "A", "B" and "C". After you put the teams in brackets make sure to click on '[save changes]' at the very bottom of the page!
  2. Schedule: Open the scheduling page and select the age group / bracket you want to schedule. You will now see a page with three important parts. At the very top you have three buttons, the first one will save all the changes you made (until you press this button NOTHING is saved!). The second one will automatically schedule all games such that each team plays all other teams before a game repeats, and every team will have the same amount of home and away games. You can can always tweak the schedule after generating it. The third button undoes any change since the last time you clicked on 'save'.
    The first table on the page shows you how many home and away game each team has scheduled against other teams and is updated as you change the page.
    All following tables show you the games scheduled for each game day. Teams marked in green are the home team for this game, teams in blue are the away team. You can schedule a game by simply clicking in one of the box. The team in that row will be the designated home team.
  3. Fields: Once you have finished the schedule and saved it, let the league representatives know so that they can schedule fields and times.